Baby Was Sleeping Through the Night Now at 7 Weeks She Wakes Up to Feed

44 лучших упражнений на Nowadays Simple

Каналы английского в Телеграм и Ютуб

Прежде чем перейти к упражнениям, хотим поделиться с вами другими нашими проектами, а конкретнее, каналами английского в Телеграме и Ютубе.

► Real English language - одна разговорная фраза в каждом посте с подробным разбором и примерами (Телеграм - канал)

► Твой Английский – грамматика английского, разбор упражнений с пояснениями, изучение слов и фраз (ЮТУБ канал)

► Изучение английского в школе (+ 2 урока в подарок)

► Если у вас появятся вопросы или предложения, вы можете написать мне в Телеграме - @liza_rfv или в Вконтакте -

Present Simple упражнения (exercises)

Упражнение ane

Поставьте глаголы в форму Present Simple

1. I (to play) guitar very well.

two. Helen (to write) a novel.

3. We (to desire) to picket a movie.

4. They (to need) a suspension.

v. She (to dance) like a superstar.

6. Nosotros (not to run across) any difference.

7. He (non to expect) whatsoever progress.

8. Allen and Matilda (to travel) around the world.

9. David (not to eat) apples.

10. I (non to similar) this show.

Упражнение 2

Раскройте скобки в Present Simple

  1. I (read)… read…the newspaper every day.
  2. She (like)…computers and going to the cinema.
  3. They (become)…to school by double-decker.
  4. We (desire)…ice cream now!
  5. He (study)…French, German and English.
  6. You (walk)…very fast.
  7. I (play)…football and basketball.
  8. She (finish)…her homework quickly!
  9. It (work)…very slowly.

Упражнение three

Раставьте слова в правильном порядке.

go/ they /early /habitation /always…They always go abode early on.

  1. never /sweets /eats /she…
  2. we /cinema/ usually/ Saturdays /go /the /to/ on…
  3. sometimes /warm /winter /in/ is/ information technology…
  4. football /oftentimes /with /friends/ his/ plays/ he…
  5. ever /January/ information technology /rains/ in…
  6. dancing /usually/ Fridays/ on /get/ they…
  7. oft/ music /listens/ to/ he /evenings/ the/ in…

to be Nowadays Elementary упражнения

Упражнение 4

Вставьте глагол to be в Nowadays Elementary.

1. What ... your proper name? - My proper noun ... Shirley Frank. 2. What ... your address? - My address ... 175 Grand Central Parkway. 3. What ... your phone number? - My phone number ... 718-1930. four. Where ... you lot from? - I ... from New York. 5. I ... a pupil. vi. My father ... not a teacher, he ... a scientist. 7. ... your aunt a medico? - Yep, she ... . 8. ... they at home? - No, they ... non at home, they ... at work. 9. My brother ... a worker. He ... at work. ten. ... you an engineer? - Yes, I ... .11. ... your sister a typist? - No, she ... not a typist, she ... a student. 12. ... your blood brother at schoolhouse? - Yes, he ... . 13. ... your sister at schoolhouse? - No, she ... not at schoolhouse. xiv. My sister ... at domicile. xv. ... this your watch? - Yes, it ... . sixteen. She ... an actress. 17. This ... my bag. 18. My uncle ... an role worker. 19. He ... at work. 20. Helen ... a painter. She has some fine pictures. They ... on the walls. She has much newspaper. It ... on the shelf. The shelf ... brownish. It ... on the wall. Helen has a blood brother. He ... a pupil. He has a family. His family ... not in St. Petersburg, it ... in Moscow.

Упражнение v

Переведите на английский язык, употребляя глагол to be в Present Unproblematic.

1. Как тебя зовут? - Меня зовут Аня. 2. Какой твой адрес? - Мой адрес: Оксфорд Стрит, 45. 3. Откуда ты родом (... приехала)? -Я из Лондона. 4. Кто он (на фотографии)? - Это мой отец. v. Как его зовут? - Его зовут Джон. 6. Где он? - Он в Лондоне. seven. Я Лена, а это Коля. Он мой брат. Ему 10 лет, а мне 12 лет. Мы из Петербурга. viii. Я ученик. Я в школе. ix. Мой брат - художник. Он не инженер. x. Моя сестра на работе. Она врач. xi. Он студент. 12. Вы студент? - Нет, я врач. 13. Моя сестра дома. 14. Мы не в школе. Мы дома. fifteen. Мой брат - ученик. Он в школе. xvi. Ваша мама дома? - Нет, она на работе. 17. Ваш двоюродный брат дома? - Нет, он в школе. Он ученик. 18. Ваша сестра - учительница? - Нет, она студентка. 19. Твой папа на работе, - Нет, он дома. xx. Твоя сестра - машинистка? - Да.- Она дома? - Нет, она на работе. 21. Мой дедушка - ученый. 22. Моя мама - не учительница. Она врач.

Упражнение half dozen

Переведите на английский язык, употребляя глагол to be в Nowadays Elementary.

1. Меня зовут Катя. 2. Мне 14 лет. 3. Я русская. Я из Санкт-Петербурга. iv. Я ученица. v. Мой любимый вид спорта - теннис. 6. Я интересуюсь музыкой. 7. Мой любимый предмет - английский язык. 8. Мой папа - программист. Он не интересуется политикой. ix. Моя мама - зубной врач. Она интересуется искусством. 10. Мы всегда заняты, но мы очень счастливы быть вместе. 11. Чья это ручка? - Это моя ручка. 12. Чья это книга? - Это ваша книга. xiii. Чей это стол? - Это стол моего брата. 14. Чья это сумка? - Это сумка моей мамы. 15. Чей это карандаш? - Это карандаш моей мамы. xvi. Это твоя тетрадь? - Да. 17. Это тетрадь твоего брата? - Нет, это моя тетрадь. 18. Где ваш стол? - Он посередине комнаты. 19. Где твоя ручка? - Она в моем кармане. 20. Где твоя тетрадь? - Она на столе. 21. Где твоя мама? - Она на работе. 22. Где твой брат? - Он в школе. 23. Где твоя сестра? - Она дома. 24. Чей это карандаш? - Это мой карандаш. - А где мой карандаш? - Он на столе. 25. Чьи это часы? - Это мои часы. - А где мои часы? - Они на столе.

Present Unproblematic упражнения с ответами

Упражнение 7

Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Present Simple.

ane. My working twenty-four hours (to begin) at seven o'clock. I (to get) upwardly, (to switch) on the radio and (to do) my morning exercises. It (to take) me xv minutes. At half past seven nosotros (to have) breakfast. My father and I (to leave) dwelling house at eight o'clock. He (to take) a bus to his factory. My mother (to be) a physician, she (to leave) habitation at ix o'clock. In the evening nosotros (to gather) in the living room. We (to watch) Television receiver and (to talk).

two. My sister (to become) upwards at eight o'clock. 3. She (to exist) a schoolgirl. She (to go) to school in the afternoon. four. Jane (to be) fond of sports. She (to exercise) her morning exercises every twenty-four hours. v. For breakfast she (to have) two eggs, a sandwich and a cup of tea. 6. After breakfast she (to go) to school. seven. It (to take) him two hours to do his homework. eight. She (to speak) French well

Упражнение 8

Раскройте скобки , употребляя глаголы в Present Simple.

2. What time Andrea usually (to get) up? 3. When she (to catch) the double-decker? four. She (to have) a shower in the morning? 5. She (to become) dwelling house for lunch? 6. When she (to go) swimming? vii. How she (to get) to the pool? 8. What she (to do) on Saturday evenings?

Упражнение 9

Переведите на английский язык , употребляя глаголы в Present Unproblematic .

(ОБЫЧНО) ane. Я работаю. ii. Мы работаем. 3. Они не работают. 4. Вы работаете? - Да. 5. Он работает? - Нет. Он учится. 6. Мой брат не учится. Он работает. 7. Ты носишь очки? 8. Вы помогаете людям? 9. Он любит читать сказки? 10. Она любит играть на скрипке? eleven. Моя сестра не читает книг. 12. Наша бабушка любит спать на диване. 13. Вы любите отдыхать в кресле? 14. Мы едим и пьем в кухне. fifteen. Мой брат не любит читать газеты. 16. Мы спим в спальне. 17. Мой брат спит на диване в жилой комнате. xviii. Моя сестра одевается перед зеркалом. 19. Мой дядя пишет книги. 20. Мы делаем упражнения в школе. 21. Я трачу свои карманные деньги на мороженое. 22. Он читает все время и не любит смотреть телевизор.

Упражнение 10

Вставьте do или does .

1. ... you slumber well? – Yes, I ... . 2. ... your sister wash the plates? – Yes, she ... . iii. What ... the teacher ask yous to practice? iv. ... Kitty read English language books? – Yes, she ... . 5. He ... non similar porridge. vi. We ... non go to school in summertime.

Упражнение 11

Вставьте наречия, указанные в скобках, в данные предложения.

ane. She is late for work. (Always) - ... . 2. George eats meat. (Never) - ... . 3. You can meet foxes in the state. (Sometimes) - ... . iv. Does Tim become to school by taxi? (Ordinarily) - ... . 5. We spend summer in France. (Usually) - ... . six. Tom and Tim are very decorated on Mondays. (Often) - ... . vii. My dog is very funny. (Sometimes) - ... . 8. Kate doesn't get swimming. (Often) - ... . 9. Simon does his English homework. (Never) - ... .

Упражнение 12

Поставьте глаголы , данные в скобках , в нужной форме .

1. He ... a skillful footballer. (exist) two. We ... at school. (be) iii. The roses ... very beautiful. (exist) four. I ... an interesting volume. (have) 5. The sun ... very hot. (exist) half dozen. I ... my lessons very advisedly. (do) vii. Elizabeth ... a new dress. (have) eight. The students ... English language lessons three times a week. (do) ix. I ... a camera. (take) 10. Harry ... a tennis player. (be) 11. Tony ...a coat. (have) 12. The children's hands ... dirty. (be) 13. Mike ... late for school. (be) xiv. Ted ... a skilful swimmer. (be) 15. Ted ... swimming very much. (like) 16. I ever ... my homework. (do) 17. I ...go to school past human foot. (go)

Present Simple practice

Упражнение 13

Use affirmative

1. I __ (get) shopping with my brother.

2. We sometimes __ (use) a dictionary in form.

3. My friends __ (study) Italian at their schoolhouse.

4. School __ (end) at three o´clock.

five.You __ (live) virtually me.

6. He __(like) rap music.

7. She __ (practice) her homework earlier dinner.

eight. We __ (play) tennis in schoolhouse on Wednesday afternoon.

9. I __ (spotter) TV in the evening.

10. My female parent __ (teach) art.

Упражнение 14

Utilise negative

i. I written report French.


2. School finishes at 2 o´clock.


iii. You copy from other students.


iv. Nosotros think English is piece of cake.


5. My friends play volleyball.


6. I watch TV on Saturday morning.


7. She speaks Chinese.


8. The canis familiaris likes cats.


ix. They listen to pop music.


10. I play with my hamster every mean solar day.


Упражнение fifteen

Write questions and short answers

ane. alive / in / you lot / Exercise / Chernigiv / ?


No, _______

2. in / students / Exercise / the canteen / ? / consume


Aye, _______

3. to school / your brother / on Saturday / ? / Does / become


No, _______

4. live / near / Exercise / your friends / you lot / ?


Yes, _______

5. at / school/ finish / Does / three o´clock / ?


No, _______

Упражнение 16

Вставьте глагол to be в форме Present Unproblematic.

ane. She … a student. She … a skillful educatee.

2. Where … you from? – I … from Moscow.

3. My female parent … not a teacher.

4. … your brother at school? – Yes, he … .

5. My friend … an engineer. He … at work.

6. Nick … not a coolege student. He … a school male child. He … at school now.

7. Helen … a painter. She has some fine pictures. They … on the wall.

eight. … this your book? – This book … not mine. My book … in my bag.

9. These … his newspapers.

x. My uncle … an office worker.

11. … your parents at dwelling? – No, they … non.

12. Michael has a brother. His brother … 30. He … a worker. He … at home.

Упражнение 17

Образуйте отрицательную и вопросительную форму предложений.

1. I visit my parents very often.

2. They alive in Uk.

3. He goes to school by motorbus.

iv. She lives in this house.

5. He wants to exist a doctor.

6. They play tennis every Sun.

seven. We work every day.

8. My sister goes to bed at nine.

9. Usually I have dinner very late.

10. My blood brother watches TV every evening.

11. She likes classical music.

12. Nosotros go to the theatre once a month.

Упражнение eighteen

Раскройте скобки, употребляя глагол в форме Present Simple.

1. My working day (to begin) at seven o'clock.

2. I (not to walk) to piece of work every morning.

three. She (to practice) her forenoon exercises every day.

iv. He (to speak) German language.

5. I (to visit) my friend every week.

6. Her first class (to start) at eight o'clock.

7. Ann (non to read) a lot.

8. He ever (to invite) his friends to his birthday party.

9. I (to go) for a walk every day.

10. She (to launder) her car once a week.

Упражнение 19

Раскройте скобки в Present Simple

1. My instructor sometimes (tell) u.s.a. some funny jokes.

2. The boys never (tell) united states of america any funny jokes.

3. We always (learn) a lot at school.

four. Mary (learn) a lot at school.

5. John (read) a lot of history books.

half dozen. The children (read) a lot of funny books.

7. English language children (wear) school uniform at school.

8. Simon (wear) a blue school uniform at school.

9. Sandra (have) sandwiches to schoolhouse with her.

ten. Near children (take) sandwiches to school with them.

11. My parents (piece of work) all solar day.

12. My father (work) in a shop.

Nowadays Simple тест (test)

Упражнение 20

i. I usually (become) to school.
2. They (visit) the states often.
iii. You lot (play) basketball once a week.
four. Tom (work) every day.
five. He e'er (tell) us funny stories.
six. She never (aid) me with that!
7. Martha and Kevin (swim) twice a calendar week.
eight. In this order people usually (dance) a lot.
9. Linda (take intendance) of her sister.
10. John rarely (leave) the country.
11. We (live) in the metropolis most of the year.
12. Lorie (travel) to Paris every Sun.
13. I (bake) cookies twice a month.
14. You lot ever (teach) me new things.
xv. She (aid) the kids of the neighborhood.

Упражнение 21

Change the verb into the correct form:
1. London (be) in England.
two. The summertime (be) hot.
3. She (drive) very well.
iv. They (open) the store at 8:00.
5. Linda (be) a very pretty daughter.
6. I (take) several jobs.
7. Water (boil) at 100 degrees.
8. Water (freeze) at 0 degrees.
9. My sis (speak) English.
x. He (have) a big flat.
11. A triangle (have) three corners.
12. My birthday (be) in June.
13. Books (have) pages.
xiv. Dogs (be) good friends.
15. I (piece of work) difficult.

Упражнение 22

Modify the verb into the correct course:
1. I (love) you.
2. This (weigh) 20 kilograms.
three. Ron (seem) serious.
4. Nosotros (like) tomatoes.
v. The boy (want) to play.
six. You (need) to sleep.
7. They (concord) with me.
viii. She (hear) something strange.
9. The box (contain) nutrient.
ten. Emma (appear) sad.
11. David (know) how to fix a automobile.
12. Daniel and Liz (seem) happy.
thirteen. This (smell) bad.
14. I (believe) you.
xv. We (exist) number one!

Упражнение 23

Change the verb into the right grade:
1. I (become) to the urban center once a week.
2. You (play) the guitar very well.
3. She never (visit) me.
four. Tom always (detect) new ways to do things.
6. Ann (want) to speak.
vii. Toronto (be) in Canada.
8. Cars (have) wheels.
9. My mother (have) a big business firm.
10. Nosotros (play) a lot.
eleven. They (sell) fruit and eggs.
12. The building (be) on burn down.
13. Marta (seem) sad.
14. I commonly (help) my neighbors.
15. His brother rarely (leave) boondocks.

Упражнение 24

Alter the verb into the correct form:
one. Daniel (fly) to Paris one time a twelvemonth.
2. She never (exercise) her homework.
3. Lisa (try) to assist her sister.
4. Mark (go) abode at seven.
5. The baby (weep) every night.
6. He (miss) her a lot.
vii. Joe (study) really hard.
viii. A boy (kiss) a daughter.
9. Joana (buy) new stuff all the time.
ten. Tim (watch) this show every dark.
11. Sara (say) this all the time.
12. The instructor (teach) us new things.
13. He (pay) me well.
xiv. Barbara (wash) the dishes, and Leo washes the floor.
15. Nick (play) tennis twice a calendar week.
xvi. This girl e'er (push) somebody.
17. Isabella (enjoy) listening to music.
18. David never (mix) milk and eggs.
19. The bee (buzz).
20. Taylor (fix) cars.

Упражнение 25

Change the verb into the correct form:
1. I (not ride) horses.
ii. You lot (non sell) cars.
iii. He (non bring) gifts.
4. She (not take) pictures.
5. It (non cost) then much.
6. Nosotros (not seem) so happy.
7. They (non buy) new products.
viii. Michael (non dance).
9. Michel (not run) fast.
10. Tim and Kate (not work) every day.
11. Lucas and Clara (not consume) meat.
12. I (not swim) much.
13. You lot (not ski) at all.
14. It (not hurt).
fifteen. We (non give up).

Упражнение 26

Change the verb into the correct grade:
ane. (I wake up) at five in the morn?
2. (you go) to work by railroad train?
3. (she potable) coffee every morning?
four. (he fume)?
5. (it injure)?
6. (we dance)?
seven. (they travel)?
viii. (Emma melt) well?
ix. (Alexander exercise) regularly?
10. (I look) well?
11. (you lot balance) enough?
12. (William work) likewise hard?
13. (they travel) ofttimes?
14. (Anthony get) to sleep as well late?
xv. (you bake) cakes?

Упражнение 27

Change the verb into the right form:
1. Christopher (drive) a coach.
2. We (take) some coin.
3. (you watch) movies?
4. They (non work) for us.
5. I (beloved) to trip the light fantastic toe.
half dozen. She (have) many friends.
7. Alexis and her husband ever (come) for the summer.
8. (he describe) well?
9. James (not call back) me.
10. Laura (be) a beautiful girl.
11. I don't eat (not eat) cheese.
12. Cats (like) to sleep.
13. Yous (be) a smart boy.
xiv. She (wash) the dishes every evening.
15. (yous exist) ready?
16. I (be) fix.

Задания на Present Simple

Упражнение 28

Write the verbs in Present Unproblematic.

1. Nick's male parent works… in London.

2. His part (be) in a large building.

3. Every morn he (get upwardly) at six o'clock.

four. He (launder) in cold water.

five. He (eat) eggs and toast for breakfast.

vi. He (drink) orangish juice for breakfast.

7. He (put on) his jeans and jacket.

8. Then he (run) to the railway station.

9. He always (take) his umbrella.

x. He (buy) a newspaper and (read) information technology on the train.

11. In the evening he (come up) back home at five o'clock.

12. After dinner he sometimes (sentry) television receiver.

thirteen. He never (go) to the movie house.

What a boring life!

Упражнение 29

Впишите недостающие слова в вопросах с Present Simple

ane. Angela (to sing) ?

two. he (to drive) a bus or a machine?

3. you (to know) my proper noun?

4. they (to accept) bank cards?

five. What you (to do) ?

6. When you lot unremarkably (to wake up) ?

7. How long information technology usually (to accept) ?

8. What exactly Anna (to desire) to tell?

9. Where you (to live) ?

Упражнение 30

Впишите пропущенные слова слова в вопросах с Present Uncomplicated

1. Why Lizzy (to need) so much saccharide?

ii. What you (to hateful) ?

3. I (non to have) your telephone number.

4. She (not to believe) John.

5. you (to draw) portraits?

six. he (to know) the right answer?

7. We (to understand) your problem.

8. Leon (to drive) very carefully.

9. Tina and her friends (to study) in the library every day.

Упражнение 31

Write these sentences, using the negative course of the Present Simple.

He/not/live/in Mexico… He doesn't live in Mexico…

1. She/not/work/in a bank…

2. I/non/play/golf…

3. Paul/not/listen/to the radio…

4. Nosotros/not/speak/French…

v. You/not/listen/to me!…

vi. My car/not/work…

vii. I/not/drink/tea…

8. Sheila/not/consume/meat…

9. I/not/understand/you…

Упражнение 32

Utilize the prompts and a verb from the box in the correct form to write full sentences.

go watch play do go rain cook habiliment drinkable

1. We / for our friends (sometimes)…We sometimes cook for our friends.

two. She / her homework (ever)…

3. They / lawn tennis at the weekend (often)…

4. I / on holiday in June (usually)…

five. He / coffee for breakfast (always)…

six. You lot / upwardly early on in the morning (never)…

vii. She / Goggle box earlier dinner (sometimes)…

viii. We / jeans at the weekend (usually)…

nine. It / in the summer (sometimes)…

Упражнение 33

Fill up in the verbs in Present Elementary.

fly,/ cry,/ end/,eat,/ live, /drink,/ become,/ speak,/ play,/ like

He … eats chips for dinner.

i. I …java three times a solar day.

2. She …to New York once a year.

3. Nosotros …Italian and English.

iv. They… in Canada.

5. Tom and I …to school every day.

6. My dad …work at seven o'clock.

7. We …tennis every weekend.

viii. My friend …sometime films.

9. The baby …all the 24-hour interval.

Упражнение 34

Look at Mark's timetable.

Complete the sentence with the affirmative form of the verb in brackets.

1. Mark goes… to schoolhouse v days a week. (go)

two. He…to school every day. (go)

3. On Mondays the classes…at 09.00. (start)

four. On Thursdays Mark…school at 17.00. (finish)

5. On Tuesday between 11.30 and 13.30 Mark'southward course…sport, (exercise)

6. Mark…a maths form every day of the week, (have)

7. Mark…three different languages - English, French and German, (study)

eight. At Mark's schoolhouse the pupils…IT. (study)

Упражнение 35

Complete the sentence with the negative form of the verb in brackets.

1. Marking doesn't go …to school at the weekend. (get)

2. He…to school on Wednesday or Friday afternoon, (go)

three. On Midweek the classes…at 09.00. (beginning)

4. On Fridays Marking…school at 17.00. (finish)

5. Mark'south class…sport Monday, Wednesday, Thursday or Friday, (practice)

6. Mark…an English language grade on Th, (accept)

7. Marker…Chinese, (written report)

Упражнение 36

Consummate the question with Practice or Does. Then write short answers.

1. Does Mark have an art lesson on Monday?..Yes, he does.

2. classes start at 08.00 on Tuesday?...

three. the students study Information technology at Mark'south school?...

iv. Mark get to schoolhouse on Friday afternoon?...

five. they have whatsoever time for sport?..

6. you study faith at your schoolhouse?...

7. your school have a similar timetable?...

eight. yous study more subjects than Mark?...

Present Simple упражнения для детей (2, iii, iv, 5, 6, seven, 8, nine класс)

Упражнение 37

Insert Don't or Doesn't.

1. He doesn't live in United mexican states.

2. She don't /doesn't piece of work in a bank.

iii. I don't /doesn't play golf once a week.

four. Ron don't /doesn't listen to the radio.

5. We don't /doesn't speak French.

half-dozen. You don't /doesn't drink java in the morning.

seven. My cat don't /doesn't sleep at dark.

8. His car don't /doesn't piece of work.

9. Shelly don't /doesn't eat meat.

10. I don't /doesn't sympathise you lot.

Упражнение 38

Fill in do, does, don't, doesn't.

1. I …do my homework in the morn – always in the evening

2. She … spend her complimentary time with her friends. She prefers reading books.

3. …you often do the shopping?

4. …her mother piece of work in the depository financial institution?

five. We…play lawn tennis subsequently school.

6. My parents…alive in a apartment. They take a business firm.

7. …your teacher speak German?

viii. He …practise karate.

9. Susan…learn Spanish at school.

10. They…eat apples. They don't like them.

Упражнение 39

Insert Exercise or Does.

i. Does…your friend similar spaghetti?

2….the children get to school on Fridays?

3….your sister scout Television receiver in the morning time?

4….he read sometimes comics ?

5….the girls similar football?

6….they go to slumber at 9 o'clock?

7….she play on reckoner ?

8….the domestic dog similar to eat meat ?

9….you speak English language or German?

10….he like cats?

Упражнение 40

Make questions and negatives.

1. He works at a hospital….Does he work in a hospital? He doesn't work in a hospital.

2. They watch Television receiver in the evenings….

3. Jane goes to schoolhouse every day…

4. You like playing with your estimator….

5. Their father is a fire-eater…

Present Simple упражнения онлайн

Упражнение 41

Put the words in club to make a sentence.

i. at/ the morning time/ he/ seven o'clock/ in/ gets up….He gets upwards at seven o'clock in the morning.

2. car/ often/ Bob/ the/ washes…

3. born/ 1964/ was/ in/ Jane….

four. lunch/ we/ apex/ have/ seldom/ at…

5. leave/ what/ you lot/ work/ time/ do/ for?....

half-dozen. never/ bed/ John/ early on/ goes/ to….

7. clean/ practise/ room/ oftentimes/ you/ how/ your?...

8. friends/ I/ go out/ sometimes/ Saturdays/ with/ my/ on…

ix. to/ he/ swimming pool/ goes/ a calendar week/ the/ twice…

10. always/ for/ we/ a walk/ on/ afternoons/ go/ Sunday…

Упражнение 42

Make full in the verbs in Nowadays Simple.

Jack is a truck driver. He …(drive) hundreds of kilometers every day. He …(honey) his piece of work. When he …(drive) he ….(listen) to the radio.

Tom and Rom …(like) to read books. Rom …(similar) historical novels, but Tom …(prefer) science fiction. They never …(go) to the same movies either. Rom …(insist) on love stories and she always …(savor) them, only her brother …(discover) them boring.

Sharon …(study) medicine at the university. Kim ever …(do) her homework. They rarely …(drink) coffee before they become to slumber. Roni and Vika ….(have) a dog. Vika and I …(exercise/ does) our homework together. Sara …(pass/ passes) our house on her way to schoolhouse. Our cat ….(consume/ eats) fish. Mike is very handy. He ….(fix/ fixes) everything. This plane …(fly/ flys/ flies) to the USA every Friday.

Упражнение 43

Fill in the verbs in Present Simple.

Amit …(get up) at 7.00 and …(become) into the bathroom to launder. He …(wash) his face and …(brush) his teeth. And so he …(put on) his clothes.

Amit's mother and male parent …(take) coffee in the morn, only Amit …(potable) orange juice to drink. At vii.45, Amit …(leave) his house and (walk) to the charabanc-stop. He ….(try) non to exist late for school. Amit… (come) home from school at two.00 in the afternoon. He…(consume) tiffin and (do) his homework. Then he …(lookout) television, ….(read) a book or ….(play) with his friends.

Упражнение 44

Put the verbs in brackets into the right Nowadays Uncomplicated form.

Her proper noun is Mandy Taylor. She (work) …at the Sip Café. Mandy (become) …to the café every forenoon at six o'clock. She (open up) …the café and (fix) …the tables. The other waiters (arrive) … at seven o'clock and they (tidy) … the kitchen. The beginning customers (come) … in at about 7:thirty. Mandy (accept) … a break at 10 o'clock. She (finish) … work at 2 o'clock and sometimes she (meet) …. friends for dejeuner.

Present Simple упражнения на перевод

Упражнение 45

Переведите следующие предложения на английский язык.

У них много книг. Они много читают.

Я живу в Москве, а мой брат живет в Нью-Йорке.

Я люблю животных. У меня 3 собаки и 6 кошек.

Она всегда встает в 7 часов. Она никогда не завтракает по утрам. Я обычно езжу на работу на машине, но иногда хожу пешком.

Погода здесь не очень хорошая. Часто идут дожди.

Они обычно покупают продукты в этом магазине. Они иногда останавливаются у этой заправочной станции/gas station/.

Моя сестра очень умная. Она говорит на 4 языках.

Квартиры очень дорогие. Они стоят много денег.

Моя работа очень интересная. Я общаюсь со многими людьми.

Упражнение 46

Переведите следующие предложения на английский язык.

Я не люблю фильмы ужасов.

Джо не любит классическую музыку.

Билл и Роза не любят гольф. Мы не знаем его адреса.

Она пьет кофе, но она не пьет чай.

У них нет детей.

Вы не понимаете меня. (досл.)

Моя машина не использует/employ/ много бензина/gas/petrol/.

У нее есть машина, но она не ездит на ней очень часто.

Возьми/have/ сигарету. – Нет, спасибо, я не курю.

Она живет рядом, но мы не видим ее очень часто.

Она замужем, но она не носит кольцо.

Ты можешь одолжить мне $5? – Конечно. Вот, пожалуйста.

Земля вращается вокруг Солнца.

Солнце встает на востоке.

Вода кипит при 100ºС.

Видео о времени Present Unproblematic

Present Simple упражнения (exercises)

Источники: language/uebungen/zeiten/sorno.htm


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